Friday, October 22, 2010

Best day of my life

As you all know I went for my CT scan results today. The doctor said that 90% (yes 90%!!) of the tumor is gone! You do not understand just how relieved and ecstatic I was. He said at first the tumor was quite large (in the left lung), now however, it has basically flattened out and is now against the trachea/esophagus. Again, I was just stoked. My doctor also stated that the remainder of the tumor could just be dead cells. (In other words, no more cancer.) But since it was just a CT scan and not a PET scan he cannot tell for sure. (At the end of my second half of chemo I will finally get that PET scan!) When he said, "You are on your way to remission", I just felt so good. Today was amazing and I finally feel "normal" again.

My white blood count was down again, but that is typical due to the chemo. So they sent me home with 5 shots (one per day) that I will give myself. Not sure I trust myself with a needle, so I will probably have my mama do it ;). Then I have my 7th treatment on Tuesday. I have no doubt that this second half will destroy it completely!

Again, thank you all for the support. Your love and kindness keeps me going.

Amber :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

6 down, 6 to go!

Today I had a CT scan and Friday I get the results. I am really optimistic and think that everything will turn out okay. I can't wait to start this second half and just be done! I do not see how I could be worse because I feel so good. So no bad thoughts here.

So here's to the second (and last) half! Cross your fingers :)


Amber :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010