Friday, October 22, 2010

Best day of my life

As you all know I went for my CT scan results today. The doctor said that 90% (yes 90%!!) of the tumor is gone! You do not understand just how relieved and ecstatic I was. He said at first the tumor was quite large (in the left lung), now however, it has basically flattened out and is now against the trachea/esophagus. Again, I was just stoked. My doctor also stated that the remainder of the tumor could just be dead cells. (In other words, no more cancer.) But since it was just a CT scan and not a PET scan he cannot tell for sure. (At the end of my second half of chemo I will finally get that PET scan!) When he said, "You are on your way to remission", I just felt so good. Today was amazing and I finally feel "normal" again.

My white blood count was down again, but that is typical due to the chemo. So they sent me home with 5 shots (one per day) that I will give myself. Not sure I trust myself with a needle, so I will probably have my mama do it ;). Then I have my 7th treatment on Tuesday. I have no doubt that this second half will destroy it completely!

Again, thank you all for the support. Your love and kindness keeps me going.

Amber :)


  1. Amber
    Thank you so much for your update. We are relieved and excited for you!!!!
    There was an all night prayer for you last night at our church.
    You are an amazing girl. You have the most incredible attitude. Hope youre going to celebrate this weekend :)

  2. That was great news! Enjoy your weekend

