Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Counting down the days...

Sorry it has been so long. Life just happens! These past couple weeks have been pretty hectic. My grandpa got really sick (They found 15 lesions on the liver and 1 on the pancreas). However we just found out yesterday that the tumor is extremely slow moving and treatable and not aggressive like we thought. We are planning an appointment with an oncologist very soon so that he can start treatment. Please keep him in your prayers<3 (He is 88 years old and said to me, "I still got another 5 years!") Now I know where I get my strength from!

Today I had my last "pre-chemo checkup". My white count was low as usual, so I got my last round of shots for the week. Next Tuesday (January 4th) I have my last treatment! I am so excited. This last half definitely went faster than the first half. Then the following Tuesday I check up with my oncologist and make my appointment for my PET scan. Then, that's it! It is going to be a great next couple weeks. I will do a better job of posting updates :), promise!

Amber :)!!!