Thursday, January 13, 2011

A little bit more waiting...

I had the visit with my oncologist and he said I have to wait another 2 weeks to plan the PET scan due to my white blood count and hemoglobin being low. (aka: back to being anemic! Boo.) Those need to repair themselves, then I can get the scan. I may find the results out around my 20th birthday! (Feb. 11th). What a great birthday present that would be!



  1. Amber:
    Sorry to hear about your grandfather. Hope your blood count and hemoglobin count is back to normal. Yeah, that will be an awesome birthday present.


  2. Hi Amber!
    Very sad to hear about your grandpa. It must have been tough on all of you. Glad to hear that he lived with you for many years. I hope your'e feeling better. Make sure you are getting a lot of vitamins and protein. Praying for you. The worst is over. After all this is done, you need a nice long vacation !
    Take care!
    lots of love

  3. Thank you both so much!

    Love, Amber :)

  4. Hey Amber :)
    I just found this through Shaina's facebook, I wish I had seen it before. I am so sorry about your grandpa, I know you must miss him a lot. I know you guys and your mom took great care of him, and he is looking down at you right now with such love and pride. I am so happy to hear you are doing great, I feel in my heart your scan is coming back with everything gone. You are the sweetest girl, (just like Claudia :) and I know your great attitude is helping you on your journey. Best wishes and prayers,
    Shannon from Chili's

  5. Hey Shannon! Thank you so much. I can't wait to get back to work and start working with you! Hopefully I will see you very soon :)
